Monday 13 February 2012

I see no difference...

Me: So unconsciously, I...

Friend: Sub- consciously.

Me: Excuse me?

Friend: You said unconsciously, how can you do something when you are unconscious?

This happened last week. I was talking about something with my friend when she interrupted me. This kind of made me think. I actually laughed when she asked me that question [I am not laughing at my friend but laughing at the thought of me doing things when I am unconscious].

I am actually glad that my friend pointed it out. The usage of unconsciously and sub-consciously.So which one is right? I honestly don't know. I have to say I am embarrass to admit I don't really know which one to use. I tried looking it through the internet [I don't usually ask people because I don't want them to answer like this] and they don't show the difference. Am I missing something?

I think English is a mystery, I could never stop learning English.

p/s: Help?

In My Head

Sometimes I'm disappointed whenever I got my assignment back. Especially when my colleagues who chose the same assignment topic got better marks. I usually go through my assignment and read most of the comments left on my papers. Sometimes my lecturers left a "?" on certain paragraphs [Especially on the argument part]. So I asked my friends to read those paragraphs and asked them if they understand my arguments. Some said yes, some said no. I explained to the one who didn't understand. They usually said that my argument was kind of complicated and it did not really reflect to what I want to explain actually.

For some odd reason, I agreed with them.

Even the lecturers does not find my arguments valid. I agreed because from my previous post, I can't really organize my speech. It's seem like I have trouble delivering my points to other people and I believe that I kind of carried this to the way I write (is it possible?).

I think I can't really focus on one thing. For example, when we were asked about women in media, I will immediately think about stereotyping, sexism and sex symbol. It doesn't stop there. Then my head will continue to make a link to masculinity, men overpowering women, influential women who change the stereotype and so on. When my lecturer asked me about my opinion on this, I usually don't know how to answer them. It is something I need to improve. I think the picture below really explain what's going on in my head in case you don't understand this post.

In my head

p/s: I think too much..


I always have problem expressing my opinion or just simply explaining things to my friends or lecturer. I always ended up stuttering. My friends even told me that the way I explain is weird. Like I leave some sort of a gap between my sentences. When I tell them a story, it will start from A and abruptly it will reach Z and then goes back to P. For example, when I wanted to tell them about a movie that I've watched, I will tell them the beginning of the movie then I will skip to the end. The worse part, I will go back to the middle of the story and silently pray that my friends understood what I've told them.

Yes,I am well aware that my speech is not organized. I just realized this when I entered UBD when I have to deliver my presentation. Even though I am in my fourth year now, giving presentation still scares me to death.

I think this is because when I'm in my primary and secondary school, I never have to do a presentation in class. All I did was just sit down and absorbed everything like a sponge without asking. I don't blame my teachers for this, they did try to make the class interactive. I guess it's the students that need to change their mindset. I have to say, I used to be a passive student. I don't interact enough with my lecturers as well as with my colleagues. I need to change that.

p/s: My first presentation in UBD was about me being an astronaut and I need to justify myself to the whole class why I deserve to survive a plane crash. Random yet interesting presentation topic  :)